Wednesday, January 30, 2008

7 September: One Hundred Days & So Much for Summer

I’ve been thinking for a while that I should count out our final one hundred days in Deutschland. I finally got my calendar out yesterday and, lo and behold, if we leave the weekend of December 15-16 as planned, then today, Friday the 7th of September, marks the beginning of the end!

I’m worried we aren’t even going to get an Indian summer at the rate the weather is deteriorating. It was clear and crisp this morning, but by about midday it had clouded up and was cold and drizzling by the time I took Cody for my afternoon run. I wore long pants to go running on Tuesday and today, for goodness’ sake! By my calculation we had about two weeks of real hot summer weather this year, and that was back in June when my mom was visiting. Where did the summer go???

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