How ironic is it that on the very day that my blog has finally caught up with my journal, we find out that we might be leaving Germany?
It seems fitting that our first violent spring thunderstorm hit last night (on the 13th no less), just hours before DaimlerChrysler announced that it has decided to sell Chrysler to a financial services company called Cerberus for the tidy sum of $7.4 billion. John told me about it when I got up this morning (he had an early meeting so he was up before me and read about it online) and I had a text message from Beth waiting for me when I got back from walking with Evelyne. Beth told me to watch the news this morning and, sure enough, they announced it on CNN at 9:30 am. Daimler held a press conference at noon but I completely forgot to watch it. Apparently Daimler wasn't planning to announce the sale until next week, but the Detroit Free Press got wind of it and ran a story about the Cerberus deal on Friday, so Daimler basically had to fess up.
Suffice it to say that I am pretty depressed. One glimmer of hope is that I read in one of the newspaper articles that it will take until fall to finalize the deal, so there is a slim chance that Mercedes will agree to keep John on board until then. Of course John’s “worst case scenario” is that he will literally be locked out of his building
>I will be extremely disappointed if we have to return to
The weather seems to be reading my mood - drippy and dreary. I am going to go cheer myself up now by baking a coffee cake for the book club, which is meeting at my house tomorrow morning.
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